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Author:Pivina, T.

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2 matching references were found.

Pivina, T.S.; Gritsaev, E.I.; Smirnov, B.B.; Shlyapochnikov, V.A.; Novikov, S.S., Steric effects in molecules of mono- and polynitroalkanes, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1977, 182-184. [all data]

Matyushin, Y.N.; Pepekin, V.I.; Lebedev, V.P.; Chironov, V.V.; Kostikova, L.M.; Inozemtcev, Y.O.; Pivina, T.S.; Sheremetev, A.B., Thermochemical properties and quantum-chemical parameters of benzotrifurazan and its N-oxides, International Annual Conference of ICT, 1999, 30, 77/1. [all data]