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5 matching references were found.

Blaise; Picard, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1912, 25, 253. [all data]

Marchand, A.; Gerval, P.; Picard, J.P., Infrared and Raman determination of the stereochemistry of O- trimethylsilylated cyclohexylcyanohydrins, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1991, 47, 1735-43. [all data]

Dubrisay, R.; Picard, P., Surface Tension at the Surface of Separation in Water, C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., 1924, 178, 205. [all data]

Reindel, F.; Weickmann, A.; Picard, S.; Luber, K.; Turla, P., Fungus Cerebrin, Ann., 1940, 544, 116-37. [all data]

Picard-Bersellini, A.; Charneau, R.; Brechignac, Ph., Pressure broadening of CO infrared lines perturbed by H2 and He, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 78, 5900-5904. [all data]