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Author:Petrovskaya, G.

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6 matching references were found.

Kachurina, N.S.; Van Chin Syan, Yu.Ya.; Petrovskaya, G.A., Standard heats of formation of some hydroxy peroxides, Deposited Document, SPSTL 950 Khp-D81. Chem. Abst. 98:142797n, 1983, 1-5, In original 1145. [all data]

Van Chin Syan, Yu.Ya.; Kachurina, N.S.; Petrovskaya, G.A.; Chuchmarev, S.K., Thermodynamic properties of certain hydroxyperoxides, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1983, 57, 1751-1752, In original 1145. [all data]

Kachurina, N.S.; Mokraya, Z.E.; Petrovskaya, G.A., Energy characteristics of organic hydroxy peroxides, Vestn. L'vov. Politekhn. In-ta, 1988, 221, 33-34. [all data]

Van-Chin-Syan, Y.Y.; Pavlovskii, Y.P.; Kachurina, N.S.; Dikii, M.A.; Panchenko, Y.V.; Petrovskaya, G.A., Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1990, 64, 295. [all data]

Van-Chin-Syan, Yu.Ya.; Kachurina, N.S.; Petrovskaya, G.A.; Chuchmarev, S.K., Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1983, 57, 1751. [all data]

Kachurina, N.S.; Mokraya, Z.E.; Petrovskaya, G.A., Energy characteristics of organic hydroxy peroxides, Visn. L'viv. Politekh. Inst., 1988, 221, 33. [all data]