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Author:Perking, R.

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13 matching references were found.

Friend, D.G.; Perking, R.A., Correlation techniques [for transport properties] in Transp. Prop. Fluids, Millat, J.; Dymond, J. H.; Nieto de Castro, C. A., Eds., Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, p 141-64, 1996. [all data]

Assael, M.J.; Nagasaka, Y.; Nieto de Castro, C.A.; Perking, R.A.; Stroem, K.; Vogel, E.; Wakeham, W.A., Status of the round robin on the transport properties of R134a, Int. J. Thermophys., 1995, 16, 63-78. [all data]

Ramires, M.L.V.; Nieto de Castro, C.A.; Perking, R.A., New improved recommendations for the thermal conductivity of toluene and water, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1993, 25, 269-77. [all data]

Perking, R.A.; Laesecke, A.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., Polarized transient hot wire thermal conductivity measurements, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1992, 80, 275-86. [all data]

Laesecke, A.; Perking, R.A.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., Thermal conductivity of R134a, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1992, 80, 263-74. [all data]

Perking, R.A.; Cieszkiewicz, M.T., Experimental thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat values for mixtures of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, Report, NISTIR-3961, 65 pp., NTIS PB91-194472, 1991. [all data]

Perking, R.A.; Friend, D.G.; Roder, H.M.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., Thermal conductivity surface of argon. A fresh analysis, Int. J. Thermophys., 1991, 12, 965-84. [all data]

Perking, R.A.; Roder, H.M.; Fried, D.G.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., The thermal conductivity and heat capacity of fluid nitrogen, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1991, 173, 332-62. [all data]

Perking, R.A.; Roder, H.M.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., A high-temperature transient hot-wire thermal conductivity apparatus for fluids, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., 1991, 96, 247-69. [all data]

Roder, H.M.; Perking, R.A.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., The thermal conductivity and heat capacity of gaseous argon, Int. J. Thermophys., 1989, 10, 1141. [all data]

Roder, H.M.; Perking, R.A.; Nieto de Castro, C.A., Experimental thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specifi heat values of argon and nitrogen, NIST. Thermophys. Div. Rep. NISTIR-88/3902 1988, 1988. [all data]

Baltatu, M.E.; Ely, J.F.; Hanley, H.J.M.; Graboski, M.S.; Perking, R.A.; Sloan, E.D., Thermal conductivity of coal-derived liquids and petroleum fractions, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 1985, 24, 325. [all data]

Baltatu, M.E.; Ely, J.F.; Graboski, M.S.; Hanley, H.J.M.; Perking, R.A.; Sloan, E.D., Thermal conductivity of coal derived liquids in Proc. - Int. Conf. Coal Sci., Cent. Conf. Manage.: Pitts- burgh, Pa, p 757, 1983. [all data]