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Author:Parker, S.

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4 matching references were found.

Peden, C.H.F.; Parker, S.F.; Barrett, P.H.; Pearson, R.G., Moessbauer and infrared studies of matrix-isolated iron-carbonyl complexes, J. Phys. Chem., 1983, 87, 13, 2329, . [all data]

Parker, S.F.; Peden, C.H.F.; Barrett, P.H.; Pearson, R.G., Matrix isolation infrared and Moessbauer studies of the oxidative addition reactions of the hydrogen halides with iron atoms, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1984, 106, 5, 1304, . [all data]

Parker, S.F.; Mason, S.M.; Williams, K.P.J., Fourier transform Raman and infrared spectroscopy of N-phenylmaleimide and methylene dianiline bismaleimide, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1990, 46, 315. [all data]

Caserio, F.F., Jr.; Parker, S.H.; Piccolini, R.; Roberts, J.D., Small-ring compounds. XX. 1,3-Dimethylenecyclobutane and related compounds, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1958, 80, 5507-5513. [all data]