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Author: | Panasenko |
3 matching references were found.
Khvostenko, V.I.; Zykov, B.G.; Yuriev, V.P.; Mironov, V.F.; Kovel'zon, G.I.; Panasenko, A.A.; Sheludyakov, V.D.; Gailyunas, I.A., Study of d(π)-p(π) interaction in vinyl- and alkylsilicon-containing compounds by photoelectron spectroscopy, J. Organomet. Chem., 1981, 218, 155. [all data]
Stepanov, V.M.; Devyatykh, G.G.; Panasenko, A.G.; Shirobokov, M.Y., Calculation of the thermodynamic activity coefficient in infinitely dilute nonelectrolyte solutions with the aid of the free volume theory, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1970, 44, 246-9. [all data]
Panasenko, V.A.; Krasheninnikov, S.A.; Mazunin, S.A.; Shul'gina, N.P.; Popov, M.A., Solubility in the diethylamine-diethylamine hydrocarbonate-water system at 25 and, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (S.-Peterburg), 1992, 65, 452-3. [all data]