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Author: | PIACENTE |
87 matching references were found.
DeMaria, G.; Gingerich, K.A.; Malaspina, L.; Piacente, V., Dissociation energy of the gaseous AlP molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 1966, 44, 2531. [all data]
DeMaria, G.; Gingerich, K.A.; Piacente, V., Vaporization of aluminum phosphide, J. Chem. Phys., 1968, 49, 4705. [all data]
DeMaria, G.; Malaspina, L.; Piacente, V., Mass spectrometric study of the GaAs system, J. Chem. Phys., 1970, 52, 1019. [all data]
Balducci, G.; DeMaria, G.; Guido, M.; Piacente, V., Dissociation energy of FeO, J. Chem. Phys., 1971, 55, 2596. [all data]
Gingerich, K.A.; Piacente, V., Gaseous phosphorus compounds. IV. Thermodynamic study of gallium monophosphide with a mass spectrometer and dissociation energy of aluminum diphosphide, J. Chem. Phys., 1971, 54, 2498. [all data]
Balducci, G.; De Maria, G.; Guido, M.; Piacente, V., Dissociation energy of TiO and TiO2 gaseous molecules, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 56, 3422. [all data]
DeMaria, G.; Malaspina, L.; Piacente, V., Dissociation energy of the gaseous TlBi molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 56, 1978. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Desideri, A., Mass spectrometric determination of the dissociation energy of GaBi molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 57, 2213. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gingerich, K.A., Thermodynamic study of the molecule NaAg with a mass spectrometer, High Temp. Sci., 1972, 4, 312. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Malaspina, L., Dissociation energy of the TlAs molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 56, 1780. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Bardi, G.; Malaspina, L.; Desideri, A., Dissociation energy of CeO2 and Ce2O2 molecules, J. Chem. Phys., 1973, 59, 31. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Balducci, G., The dissociation energy of the molecule GaSb, High Temp. Sci., 1974, 6, 254. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Bardi, G.; di Paolo, V.; Ferro, D., The vapour pressure over Ga2S2 and Ga2Se2, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1976, 8, 391. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gingerich, K.A., The mass spectrometric determination of the dissociation energies of the molecules NaAu and NaAg, High Temp. Sci., 1977, 9, 189. [all data]
Balducci, G.; Piacente, V., Dissociation energy of the Tl2(g) molecule, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1980, 1287. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V.; Gigli, R.; D'Ascenzo, G., J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1976, 8, 1137. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V., Heat of vaporization of o-, m- and p-nitroaniline, Thermochim. Acta, 1985, 90, 387-390. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Ferro, D.; Gatta, G.D., Vaporization enthalpies of a series of α,φ-alkanediols from vapour pressure measurements, Thermochim. Acta, 1993, 223, 65-73. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gigli, G.; Scardala, P.; Giustini, A.; Bardi, G., Vapor pressure of C70 fullerene, J. Phys. Chem., 1996, 100, 9815-9819. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gigil, G.; Scandala, P.; Giustini, A., Vapor pressure of C60 buckminsterfullerene, J. Phys. Chem., 1995, 99, 14052-14057. [all data]
Brunetti, B.; Piacente, V., Thermodynamic properties of lead monoselenide, J Mater Sci Lett, 1993, 12, 22, 1738-1740, . [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V.; Gigli, R.; D'Ascenzo, G., Determination of the vapour pressures of o-, m-, and p-dinitrobenzene by the torsion-effusion method, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 1976, 8, 12, 1137-1143, . [all data]
Ferro, D.; Barone, G.; Della Gatta, G.; Piacente, V., Vapour pressures and sublimation enthalpies of urea and some of its derivatives, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 1987, 19, 9, 915-923, . [all data]
Pelino, M.; Tomassetti, M.; Piacente, V.; D'Ascenzo, G., Vapor pressure measurements of ferrocene, mono- and 1,1´-di-acetyl ferrocene, Thermochimica Acta, 1981, 44, 1, 89-99, . [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V., Heat of vaporization of o-, m- and p-nitroaniline, Thermochimica Acta, 1985, 90, 387-389, . [all data]
Piacente, V.; Ferro, D.; Gatta, G. Della, Sublimation enthalpy of eleven alkyl derivatives of urea, Thermochimica Acta, 1990, 158, 1, 79-85, . [all data]
Pompili, T.; Piacente, V., Enthalpy of vaporization of n-heptacosane and n-nonacosane from their vapour pressure determinations, Thermochimica Acta, 1990, 170, 289-291, . [all data]
Terenzi, L.; Piacente, V., Vapour pressures and vaporization enthalpies of thiourea and a homologous series of its 1,3-dialkyl derivatives, Thermochimica Acta, 1994, 235, 1, 61-66, . [all data]
D'Alessio, L.; Ferro, D.; Piacente, V., Sublimation study of tellurium tetrachloride and tetraiodide from their vapour pressure measurements, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1994, 209, 1-2, 207-212, . [all data]
Piacente, V.; Scardala, P.; Ferro, D.; Gigli, R., Vaporization study of o-, m-, and p-chloroaniline by torsion-weighing effusion vapor pressure measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1985, 30, 4, 372-376, . [all data]
Brunetti, B.; Portalone, G.; Piacente, V., Sublimation Thermodynamic Parameters for 5-Fluorouracil and Its 1-Methyl and 1,3-Dimethyl Derivatives from Vapor Pressure Measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2002, 47, 1, 17-19, . [all data]
Brunetti, B.; Piacente, V., Sublimation Enthalpies Study for Barbituric, Tiobarbituric, and Selenobarbituric Acids from Their Vapor Pressure Measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1999, 44, 4, 809-812, . [all data]
Piacente, V.; Palchetti, C.; Gigli, G.; Scardala, P., Preliminary Study on the Vapor Pressure of C 84 Fullerene, J. Phys. Chem. A, 1997, 101, 24, 4303-4304, . [all data]
BRUNETTI, B.; PALCHETTI, C.; PIACENTE, V., Journal of Materials Science Letters, 1997, 16, 16, 1395-1397, . [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V.; Pelino, M., Rev. Roum. Chim., 1981, 26, 9. [all data]
De Maria, G.; Goldfinger, P.; Malaspina, L.; Piacente, V., Mass-spectrometric study of gaseous molecules ZnS, ZnSe, and ZnTe, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1965, 61, 2146. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gingerich, K.A., Gaseous phosphorus compounds. VI. Mass spectrometric determination of the dissociation energy of gaseous gallium monophosphide by a double oven technique, High Temp. Sci., 1971, 3, 219. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gingerich, K.A., The dissociation energy and heat of formation of the molecule NaCu, Z. Naturforsch. A, 1973, 28, 316. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gingerich, K.A., The mass spectrometric determination of the dissociation energies of the molecules NaAu and NaAg, High Temp. Sci., 1977, 9, 189-196. [all data]
Piacente, V., Dissociation energy of gaseous aluminum arsenide, J. Chem. Phys., 1979, 70, 5911-5912. [all data]
De Maria, G.; Malaspina, L.; Piacente, V., Mass spectrometric study of the GaAs system, J. Chem. Phys., 1970, 52, 3, 1019-1024. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Desideri, A., Mass spectrometric determination of the dissociation energy of GaBi molecule, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 57, 5, 2213-2215. [all data]
Pelino, M.; Tomassetti, M.; Piacente, V.; D'Ascenzo, G., Thermochim. Acta, 1981, 44, 89. [all data]
Scarozza, S.; Piacente, V., Total vapor pressure of FeI2 from torsion measurements, J. Alloys Compd., 1996, 235, 48-52. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gigli, G.; Scardala, P.; Giustini, A.; Ferro, D., Vapor Pressure of C60 Buckminsterfullerene, J. Phys. Chem., 1995, 99, 14052-7. [all data]
Terenzi, L.; Piacente, V., vapour pressures and vaporization enthalpies of thiourea and a homologous series of its 1,3-dialkyl derivatives, Thermochim. Acta, 1994, 235, 61-6. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Ferro, D.; DellaGatta, G., Vaporization enthalpies of five odd-numbered (C7 to C15) α,ω- alkanediols, Thermochim. Acta, 1994, 232, 317-21. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Ferro, D.; DellaGatta, G., Vaporization enthalpies of five odd-numbered (C7 to C15) α,ω- alkanediols. [Erratum to document cited in CA120:201841], Thermochim. Acta, 1994, 235, 291-2. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Fontana, D.; Scardala, P., Enthalpies of Vaporization of a Homologous Series of n-Alkanes Determined from Vapor Pressure Measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1994, 39, 231-7. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Gigli, R., An investigation into the sublimation of selenourea, Thermochim. Acta, 1992, 210, 325-8. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Pompili, T.; Scardala, P.; Ferro, D., Temperature dependence of the vaporization enthalpies of n-alkanes from vapour-pressure measurements., J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1991, 23, 379. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Ferro, D.; DellaGatta, G., Sublimation enthalpy of eleven alkyl derivatives of urea, Thermochim. Acta, 1990, 158, 79. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Scardala, P., Vaporization enthalpies and entropies of some n-alkanes, Thermochim. Acta, 1990, 159, 193. [all data]
Pompili, T.; Piacente, V., Enthalpy of vaporization of n-heptacosane and n-nonacosane from their vapor pressure determinations, Thermochim. Acta, 1990, 170, 289-91. [all data]
Barone, G.; DellaGatta, G.; Ferro, D.; Piacente, V., Enthalpies and entropies of sublimation, vaporization and fusion of nine polyhydric alcohols, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1990, 86, 75. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Stranges, S.; Scardala, P., Vaporization of germanium diiodide, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 1987, 6, 972. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Barone, G.; DellaGatta, G.; Piacente, V., Vapor Pressures and Sublimation Enthalpies of Urea and Some of Its Derivatives, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1987, 19, 915. [all data]
Piacente, V.; Scardala, P.; Ferro, D.; Gigli, R., Vaporization Study of o-, m-, and p-Chloroaniline by Torsion-Weighing Effusion Vapor Pressure Measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1985, 30, 372. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V., Heat of vaporization of o-, m- and p-nitroaniline, Thermochim. Acta, 1985, 90, 387. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Piacente, V.; Scardala, P., Thermochim. Acta, 1983, 68, 329. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Quagliata, C.; Giglio, E.; Piacente, V., Study of the stability of the styrene +, and naphthalene + choleic acids by vapor pressure measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1981, 26, 192. [all data]
Pelino, M.A.; Ferro, D.; Piacente, V., Vapor pressure of alpha-iodonaphthalene., Thermochim. Acta, 1980, 41, 297-304. [all data]
Ferro, D.; Nappi, B.; Piacente, V., Vapor Pressure of Antimony Triiodide, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1979, 11, 193-201. [all data]
Bardi, G.; Gigli, R.; Malaspina, L.; Piacente, V., Vapor Pressure and Sublimation Enthalpy of Anthraquinone and of 1,5- and 1,8-Dihydroxyanthraquinones, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1973, 18, 126. [all data]
DeMaria, G.; Piacente, V., Vapor Pressures of Calcium and Strontium by the Transpiration Method, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1974, 6, 1-7. [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Giustini, Antonio; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vapour pressures and sublimation enthalpy of solid indium(III) iodide, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 1997, 29, 2, 239-246, . [all data]
Ferro, Daniela; Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, Torsion---Knudsen effusion vapour-pressure measurement of o, m and p-chlorobiphenyls, Thermochimica Acta, 1983, 68, 2-3, 329-339, . [all data]
Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, Vaporization enthalpies and entropies of some n-alkanes, Thermochimica Acta, 1990, 159, 193-200, . [all data]
Piacente, Vincenzo; Ferro, Daniela; Gatta, Giuseppe Della, Vaporization enthalpies of five odd-numbered (C7 to C15) α,ω-alkanediols, Thermochimica Acta, 1994, 232, 2, 317-321, . [all data]
Piacente, Vincenzo; Pompili, Tiziano; Scardala, Paolo; Ferro, Daniela, Temperature dependence of the vaporization enthalpies of n-alkanes from vapour-pressure measurements, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 1991, 23, 4, 379-396, . [all data]
Bardi, Gianpiero; Brunetti, Bruno; Ciccariello, Erasmo; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vapour pressures and sublimation enthalpies of cobalt and nickel dibromides, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1997, 247, 1-2, 202-205, . [all data]
Villani, Anna Rita; Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vapor Pressure and Enthalpies of Vaporization of Cerium Trichloride, Tribromide, and Triiodide, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2000, 45, 5, 823-828, . [all data]
Piacente, Vincenzo; Fontana, Danilo; Scardala, Paolo, Enthalpies of Vaporization of a Homologous Series of n-Alkanes Determined from Vapor Pressure Measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1994, 39, 2, 231-237, . [all data]
Villani, Anna Rita; Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vapor Pressures and Sublimation Enthalpies of Praseodymium Trichloride, Tribromide, and Triiodide, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2000, 45, 6, 1167-1172, . [all data]
Bardi, Giampiero; Gigli, Rosario; Malaspina, Leopoldo; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vapor pressure and sublimation enthalpy of anthraquinone and of 1,5- and 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinones, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1973, 18, 2, 126-130, . [all data]
Urbani, Maria; Gigli, Rosario; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vaporization study of .alpha.-bromonaphthalene, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1980, 25, 2, 97-100, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo; Latini, Alessandro; Scardala, Paolo, Vapor Pressures and Sublimation Enthalpies of Mercury(I, II) Fluorides by the Torsion-Effusion Method, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2008, 53, 11, 2493-2495, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, A Study on the Sublimation of Gallium Tribromide, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2009, 54, 8, 2273-2276, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, Vapor Pressures of Gallium Trifluoride, Trichloride, and Triiodide and Their Standard Sublimation Enthalpies, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2010, 55, 1, 98-102, . [all data]
Bardi, Gianpiero; Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo, Vapor Pressure and Standard Enthalpies of Sublimation of Iron Difluoride, Iron Dichloride, and Iron Dibromide, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1996, 41, 1, 14-20, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, A Torsion Study on the Sublimation Process of InCl 3, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1998, 43, 1, 101-104, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Vassallo, Papirio; Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, Vaporization Studies of Dysprosium Trichloride, Tribromide, and Triiodide, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1999, 44, 3, 509-515, . [all data]
Giustini, Antonio; Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo, A Sublimation Study of Lindane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1998, 43, 3, 447-450, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Gatta, Giuseppe Della; Piacente, Vincenzo, Enthalpies and Entropies of Sublimation of Some Primary Alkylamides, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2000, 45, 2, 237-241, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Piacente, Vincenzo; Portalone, Gustavo, Sublimation Enthalpies of Some Methyl Derivatives of Uracil from Vapor Pressure Measurements, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2000, 45, 2, 242-246, . [all data]
Brunetti, Bruno; Gigli, Guido; Giglio, Edoardo; Piacente, Vincenzo; Scardala, Paolo, Some Thermodynamic Properties of C 76 and C 84, J. Phys. Chem. B, 1997, 101, 50, 10715-10718, . [all data]
Barone, Guido; Gatta, Giuseppe Della; Ferro, Daniela; Piacente, Vincenzo, Enthalpies and entropies of sublimation, vaporization and fusion of nine polyhydric alcohols, Faraday Trans., 1990, 86, 1, 75, . [all data]