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10 matching references were found.

Krkosova, Z.; Kubinec, R.; Addova, G.; Jurdakova, H.; Blasko, J.; Ostrovsky, I.; Sojak, L., Gas chromatographic - mass spectrometric characterization of monomethylalkanes from fuel diesel, Petroleum Coal, 2007, 49, 3, 51-62. [all data]

Sojak, L.; Ostrovsky, I.; Kubinec, R.; Kraus, G.; Kraus, A., High-resolution gas chromatography with liquid crystal glass capillaries. XII. Separation of isomeric C17-C18 n-alkenes, J. Chromatogr., 1990, 520, 75-83, . [all data]

Soják, L.; Ostrovský, I.; Kubinec, R.; Kraus, G.; Kraus, A., Separation and identification of all isomeric n-nonadecenes by capillary gas chromatography on a mesogenic stationary phase with Fourier transform infrared and mass spectrometric detection, J. Chromatogr., 1992, 609, 1-2, 283-288, . [all data]

Soják, L.; Farkas, P.; Ostrovský, I.; Janák, J.; Chrétien, J.R., Capillary gas chromatography of C5 - C13 branched alkynes on squalane and liquid crystal stationary phases, J. Chromatogr., 1991, 557, 241-253, . [all data]

Soják, L.; Hrivnák, J.; Ostrovský, I.; Janák, J., Capillary Gas Chromatography of Linear Alkenes on Squalane. Separation and Identification of n-Pentadecenes and n-Hexadecenes, J. Chromatogr., 1974, 91, 613-622, . [all data]

Soják, L.; Ostrovský, I.; Farkas, P.; Janák, J., High-resolution gas chromatography with liquid crystal glass capillaries. IX. Separation of isomeric C9-C11 n-alkenes and n-alkanes, J. Chromatogr., 1986, 356, 105-114, . [all data]

Soják, L.; Ostrovský, I.; Leclercq, P.A.; Rijks, J.A., Identification of n-hepta- and n-octadienes by high-resolution gas chromatography using structure-retention correlations and mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr., 1980, 191, 187-198, . [all data]

Soják, L.; Král'ovicová, E.; Ostrovský, I.; Leclercq, P.A., Retention behaviour of conjegated and isolated n-alkadienes. Identification of n-nona- and n-decadiens by capillary gas chromatography using structure-retention correlations and mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr., 1984, 292, 1, 241-261, . [all data]

Kraus, A.; Kraus, G.; Kubinec, R.; Ostrovsky, I.; Soják, L., Separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by capillary gas chromatography using high temperature liquid crystalline stationary phases, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 1997, 42, 497-502. [all data]

Soják, L.; Kraus, L.; Kraus, G.; Ostrovský, I.; Královicová, E.; Farkas, P., Hochleistungs-gaschromatographie an flüssigkristall-glaskapillaren. III. Trennung von isomeren kohlenwasserstoffen an cholesterinischer mesophase, J. Chromatogr., 1981, 219, 2, 225-234, . [all data]