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Author:Orr, F.

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3 matching references were found.

Larson, L.L.; Silva, M.K.; Taylor, M.A.; Orr, F.M., Temperature dependence of L1/L2/V behavior in carbon dioxide/hydrocarbon systems, SPE Reservoir Eng., 1989, 4, 105-14. [all data]

Silva, M.K.; Orr, F.M., Effect of oil composition on minimum miscibility pressure - part 1: Solubility of hydrocarbons in dense carbon dioxide, SPE Reservoir Eng., 1987, 2, 468. [all data]

Larsen, L.; Silva, M.K.; Taylor, M.A.; Orr, F.M., Temperature dependence of L1-L2-V behavior in CO2-hydrocarbon systems. in 61st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Soc. of Pet. Engineers, New Orleans, Oct., 1986. [all data]