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9 matching references were found.

Okhotin, V.S.; Kas'yanov, Yu.I., Equation of state of liquid toluene for 180-500 K at up to 250 MPa pressure, Tr. Mosk. Energ. In-ta, 1991, No. 636, 23-8. [all data]

Okhotin, V.S.; Razumeichenko, L.A.; Kas'yanov, Yu.I., State equation and thermodynamic properties of liquid toluene from acoustic data, Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., 1991, No. 30, 20-33. [all data]

Okhotin, V.S.; Razumeichenko, L.A.; Skorodumov, A.V., Heat capacities of liquids toluene along the saturation line, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 1987, 25, 812. [all data]

Okhotin, V.S.; Razumeichenko, L.A.; Kas'yanov, Yu.I.; Skorodumov, A.V., Sound velocity in liquid m-xylene, Sb. Nauch. Tr. Mosk. Energ. In-t., 1987, No. 131, 42-7. [all data]

Okhotin, V.S.; Razumeichenko, L.A.; Skorodumov, A.V., Sound velocity in liquid toluene at atmospheric pressure, Ul'trazvuk Termodin. Svoistva Veshchestva, 1986, 1986, 106. [all data]

Aleksandrov, A.A.; Okhotin, V.S.; Ershova, Z.A., Calculation of specific heats at constant pressure and volume of heavy water by acoustic data in Izokhor. Teploemkost Tekhn. Vazhn. Zhidk., 2 Vses. Semi- nar, Meet dt. 1982, Makhachkala, Sent., p 74, 1984. [all data]

Aleksandrov, A.A.; Okhotin, V.S., Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1983, 30, 71-73. [all data]

Andrianova, T.N.; Aleksandrov, A.A.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Okhotin, V.S.; Petrov, E.K.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Razumeichenko, L.A.; Chechetkin, A.V., Thermal physical properties of improved terphenyl mixtures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1972, No. 111, 88. [all data]

Andrianova, T.N.; Aleksandrov, A.A.; Babikov, Yu.M.; Knyazev, V.P.; Okhotin, Y.K.; Petrov, D.S.; Rasskazov, L.A.; Chechetkin, A.V., Thermophysical properties of improved terphenyl mixtures, Khim. Prom-st. (Moscow), 1974, 3, 178-80. [all data]