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Author:Oakes, C.

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3 matching references were found.

Oakes, C.S.; Bodnar, R.J.; Simonson, J.M.; Pitzer, K.S., CaCl2-H2O in the supercritical and two-phase ranges, Int. J. Thermophys., 1995, 16, 483-92. [all data]

Simonson, J.M.; Oakes, C.S.; Bodnar, R.J., Densities of NaCl(aq) to the temperature 523 K at pressures to 40 MPa measured with a new vibrating-tube densitometer, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1994, 26, 345-59. [all data]

Oakes, C.S., Phase equilibria and volumetric properties for the system NaCl-CaCl2-H2O, Report, DOE/ER/14065-T1; NTIS No. DE93013590, 119 pp., 1993. [all data]