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Author: | Nunes da Ponte |
26 matching references were found.
Barreiros, S.F.; Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M., The Melting Curve of Carbon Monoxide, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1982, 14, 12, 1197-1198, . [all data]
Costa, M.A.M.; Matos, H.A.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Gomes de Azevedo, E.J.S., Binary and Ternary Phase Behavior of α-Pinene, β-Pinene, and Supercritical Ethene, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1996, 41, 1104-1110. [all data]
Aguiar-Ricardo, A.I.; Nunes da Ponte, M., Second Virial Coefficients and Mixtures of Xenon and Lower Hydrocarbons 1. Experimental Apparatus and Results for Xe + C2H6, J. Phys. Chem., 1996, 100, 18839-43. [all data]
Aguiar-Ricardo, A.I.; Nunes da Ponte, M., Second Virial Coefficients and Mixtures of Xenon and Lower Hydrocarbons 2. Results for Xe + C2H4 and Theoretical Calculations, J. Phys. Chem., 1996, 100, 18844-47. [all data]
Calado, J.C.G.; Jancso, G.; Lopes, J.N.C.; Marko, L.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Rebelo, L.P.N.; Staveley, L.A.K., The excess thermodynamic properties of liquid (CH4 + CD4), J. Chem. Phys., 1994, 100, 4582-90. [all data]
Pereira, P.J.; Goncalves, M.; Coto, B.; Gomes de Azevedo, E.; Nunes da Ponte, M., Phase equilibria of carbon dioxide + dL-a-tocopherol at temperatures from 2 92 K to 333 K and pressures up to 26 MPa, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1993, 91, 133-43. [all data]
Ricardo, A.A.; Barreiros, S.F.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Albuquerque, G.M.N.; Calado, J.C.G., (p, Vm, T) of (0.476 argon + 0.524 nitrogen) (l) and the calculation of thermodynamic properties of liquid air, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1992, 24, 1281-91. [all data]
Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Rebelo, L.P.N.; Staveley, L.A.K., Vapor pressure of tetradeuteriomethane, J. Phys. Chem., 1989, 93, 3355-60. [all data]
Barreiros, S.F.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Calado, J.C.G., Excess thermodynamic properties of argon + methane: a standard simple liquid system, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1989, 49, 9. [all data]
Barreiros, S.F.; Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Saville, G., Second virial coefficients of carbon monoxide, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1987, 19, 941-7. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M.; Chokappa, D.; Calado, J.C.G.; Zollweg, J.A.; Streett, W.B., Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in the Xenon + Ethene System, J. Phys. Chem., 1986, 90, 1147. [all data]
Guedes, H.J.R.; Nunes da Ponte, M., Thermodynamic properties of liquid nitric oxide, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1986, 18, 639-43. [all data]
Calado, J.C.G.; Guedes, H.J.R.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Rebelo, L.P.N.; Streett, W.B., Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures of krypton and xenon, J. Phys. Chem., 1986, 90, 1892-6. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M.; Chokappa, D.; Calado, J.C.G.; Clancy, P.; Streett, W.B., Vapor-liquid equilibrium in the xenon + ethane system, J. Phys. Chem., 1985, 89, 2746. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M., PVT and phase equilibria of simple and not-so-simple liquid systems, Rev. Port. Quim., 1984, 26, 65. [all data]
Calado, J.C.G.; Guedes, H.J.R.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Streett, W.B., Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixt. of carbon monoxide & methane, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1984, 16, 185-204. [all data]
Barreiros, S.F.; Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Streett, W.B., Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures of krypton + methane., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, 1983, 79, 1869-80. [all data]
Barreiros, S.F.; Calado, J.C.G.; Clancy, P.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Streett, W.B., Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures of argon + krypton, J. Phys. Chem., 1982, 86, 1722-9. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M.; Staveley, L.A.K., The equation of state and thermodynamic properties of liquid hydrogen chloride, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1981, 13, 179-86. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M.; Streett, W.B.; Miller, R.C.; Staveley, L.A.K., An experimental study of the equation of state of liquid (argon + methane), and the effect of pressure on their excess thermodynamic functions, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1981, 13, 767-81. [all data]
Albuquerque, G.M.N.; Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Palavra, A.M.F., Molar volumes of orthobaric liquid argon., Cryogenics, 1980, 20, 601. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M.; Streett, W.B.; Staveley, L.A.K., An experimental study of the equation of state of liquid mixtures of nitrogen and methane, and the effect of pressure on their excess thermodynamic functions, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1978, 10, 151-68. [all data]
Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Soares, V.A.M.; Staveley, L.A.K., The thermodynamic excess functions of krypton + ethene liquid mixtures, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1978, 10, 35. [all data]
Nunes da Ponte, M.; Staveley, L.A.K., The Melting Curve of Methane, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1976, 8, 1109-10. [all data]
Calado, J.C.G.; Kozdon, A.F.; Morris, P.J.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Staveley, L.A.K.; Woolf, L.A., Thermodynamics of liquid mixtures of xenon and hydrogen chloride, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, 1975, 71, 1372-8. [all data]
Albuquerque, G.M.N.; Calado, J.C.G.; Nunes da Ponte, M.; Staveley, L.A.K., Cryogenics, 1980, 20, 416. [all data]