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Author:Nitz, D.

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3 matching references were found.

Nitz, D.; Cederberg, J.; Kotz, A.; Hetzler, K.; Aakre, T.; Walhout, T., Centrifugal distortion effects in the hyperfine spectrum of KCl, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1984, 108, 6-16. [all data]

Cederberg, J.; Nitz, D.; Kolan, A.; Rasmusson, T.; Hoffman, K.; Tufte, S., The hyperfine spectrum of sodium bromide, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1987, 122, 171-181. [all data]

Nitz, D.E.; Hogan, P.B.; Schearer, L.D.; Smith, S.J., Photodissociation of Na2+ in Na2 multiphoton absorption, J. Phys. B:, 1979, 12, 103-108. [all data]