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Author:Myasnikova, R.M.

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4 matching references were found.

Remyga, S.A.; Myasnikova, R.M.; Kitaigonodskii, A.I., Phase diagram of the system para-dibromobenzene + para-nitrochlorobenzene, Sov. Phys. - Crystallogr. (Engl. Transl.), 1966, 10, 729-31. [all data]

Sviridov, A.F.; Myasnikova, R.M.; Sopin, V.F.; Pertsin, A.I., Physicochemical analysis of binary systems formed by nitrocellulose with glycerine formal and dibutyl phthalate, Kristallografiya, 1985, 30, 698. [all data]

Remyga, S.A.; Myasnikova, R.M.; Kitaigonodskii, A.I., Equilibrium diagram of the p-chloronitrobenzene + p-bromonitrobenzene system, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1967, 41, 980-1. [all data]

Remyga, S.A.; Myasnikova, R.M.; Kitaigonodskii, A.I., Phase Diagram of the Biphenyl-2,2'-dipyridine System, Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 900-4. [all data]