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Author:Muro Castrejon

2 matching references were found.

Muro Castrejón, F.; Cruz-Vázquez, C.; Fernández-Ruvalcaba, M.; Molina-Torres, J.; Soria Cruz, J.; Ramos Parra, M., Repellence of Boophilus microplus larvae in Stylosanthes humilis and Stylosanthes hamata plants, Parasitol Latinoam, 2003, 58, 3-4, 118-121, . [all data]

Muro Castrejón, F.J.; Cruz-Vázquez, C.; Fernández-Ruvalcaba, M.; Torres, J.M., Repellent effect of Melinis minutiflora extract on Boophilus microplus tick larvae, Vet. Mex., 2004, 35, 2, 153-159. [all data]