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Author:Munari, F.

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4 matching references were found.

Termonia, M.; Lacomblez, B.; Munari, F., Optimization of the cold split-splitless injector in the solvent-split mode, J. Hi. Res. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Comm., 1988, 11, 12, 890-895, . [all data]

Munari, F.; Cadoppi, A.; Overton, E.; Roques, N.; Carney, K., Fast analysis of VOC and SVOC with a portable micro GC, Proceedings, 23rd ISCC; CD-ROM, 2000, retrieved from [all data]

Anelli, L.; Munari, F.; Trisciani, A.; Castanho, J.R., Determination of water contaminants at trace levels using large-volume sampling techniques: comparison of LVPTVI, LVOCI, and SPME, Am. Lab. Fairfield Conn., 2001, 33, 11, 45-47. [all data]

Pelagatti, S.; Munari, F., Optimised Interface for PT and head space analysis of VOC by GC and GC/MS on narrow bore capillary columns in 25th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 2002, 1-17. [all data]