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Author: | Morter |
3 matching references were found.
Morter, C.L.; Domingo, C.; Farhat, S.K.; Cartwright, E.; Glass, G.P.; Curl, R.F., Rotationally resolved spectrum of the ν1 CH stretch of the propargyl radical (H2CCCH), Chem. Phys. Lett., 1992, 195, 4, 316, . [all data]
Morter, C.L.; Farhat, S.K.; Curl, R.F., The ν1 fundamental of HCCN: evidence for quasilinearity, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1993, 207, 2-3, 153, . [all data]
Morter, C.L.; Domingo, C.; Farhat, S.K.; Cartwright, E.; Glass, G.P.; Curl, R.F., Rotationally resolved spectrum of the ν1 CH stretch of the propargyl radical (H2CCCH), Chem. Phys. Lett., 1992, 195, 316-21. [all data]