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Author: | Moroz |
4 matching references were found.
Moroz, A.; Sweany, R.L., Photolysis of argon matrixes containing tribromoboron and dihydrogen: synthesis of hydroboranes via dibromoboron, Inorg. Chem., 1992, 31, 25, 5236, . [all data]
Bulanin, M.O.; Amamchyan, R.G.; Borgest, V.A.; Moroz, A.I., Solubility of acetylene in liquid oxygen as studied by infrared spectroscopy, Tr., Vses. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Kislorodn. Mashinostr., 1967, No. 11, 135. [all data]
Amamchyan, R.G.; Moroz, A.I., Tr., Vses. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Kislorodn. Mashinostr., 1965, No. 10, 150. [all data]
Bergman, A.G.; Moroz, K.K., A polytherm of ternary system, urea-ammonia-water, Ukr. Khim. Zh., 1968, 34, 340-4. [all data]