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13 matching references were found.

Gallinella, E.; Fortunato, B.; Mirone, P., Infrared and Raman Spectra and Vibrational Assignment of Cyclopentadiene, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1967, 24, 345. [all data]

Mirone, P., Spectrochim. Acta, 1964, 20, 1646. [all data]

Mirone, P.; Chiorboli, P., An Approximate Methods for Calculating Vibration Frequencies of Molecules Containing Methyl Groups. II. Dimethyl Ether, Dimethyl Sulfone and Acetone, Ann. Chim. (Rome), 1960, 50, 1095. [all data]

Mirone, P., Infrared Spectra of Pyrrole in the Vapor State, Liquid State and in Solution, Gazz. Chim. Ital., 1956, 86, 165. [all data]

Mirone, P., Better Approximation of Infrared Absorption Frequences wioth the Beckman Spectrophotometer with LiF, NaCl, and KBr Optics, Ann. Chim. (Rome), 1956, 46, 39. [all data]

Mirone, P., Infrared Spectrum of 2-Furaldehyde, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Cl. Sci. Fis., Mat. Nat., Rend., 1954, 16, 483. [all data]

Mirone, P.; Drusiani, A.M., The infrared spectrum of N-methylpyrrole, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Cl. Sci. Fis., Mat. Nat., Rend., 1954, 16, 69. [all data]

Mirone, P.; Fabbri, Gazz. Chim. Ital., 1954, 84, 187. [all data]

Mirone, P., Infrared Spectrum of Pyrrole Between 2.8 and 4 .micron. Splitting of the Band Assigned to NH, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Cl. Sci. Fis., Mat. Nat., Rend., 1951, 11, 365. [all data]

Castellucci, E.; Manzelli, P.; Fortunato, B.; Gallinella, E.; Mirone, P., Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1975, 31, 451. [all data]

Fini, G.; Mirone, P., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1974, 70, 1776. [all data]

Fini, G.; Mirone, P.; Fortunato, B., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1973, 69, 1243. [all data]

Fortunato, B.; Mirone, P.; Fini, G., Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1971, 27, 1917. [all data]