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3 matching references were found.

Papazova, D.; Milina, R.; Dimov, N., Comparative evaluation of retention of hydrocarbons present in the C5-petroleum fraction of methylsilicone and squalane phases, Chromatographia, 1988, 25, 3, 177-180, . [all data]

Dimov, N.; Milina, R., Precalculation of gas chromatographic retention indices of linear 1-halogenoalkanes, J. Chromatogr., 1989, 463, 159-164, . [all data]

Pankova, M.C.; Milina, R.S.; Belcheva, R.P.; Ivanov, A.S., Gas chromatographic separation and identification of bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in kerosene (b.p. 200-280°), J. Chromatogr., 1977, 137, 1, 198-201, . [all data]