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9 matching references were found.
Verveiko, V.N.; Mel'nikov, G.A.; Melikhov, Yu.F.; Verveiko, M.V., Cp/Cv ratio for hydrocarbons and their halogenated derivatives in a wide range of parameters of state, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Energ. Ob'edin. SNG, Energ., 1995, No. 3, 92-95. [all data]
Verveiko, V.N.; Mel'nikov, G.A.; Melikhov, Yu.F., Accoustic and P-V-T study of halogenated benzenes and toluenes in a wide range of temperatures and pressures (to 600 MPa), Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., 1991, No. 30, 5-16. [all data]
Vervejko, V.A.; Mel'nikov, G.A.; Melikhov, Yu.F., The Acoustic and P-V-T Investigation of Halogenated Benzene and Toluene in Wide Ranges of Temperature and Pressure in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshch. Mater. Collect. No. 30, V. A. Rabinovich Ed., Standards Publ, Moscow, 1991. [all data]
Melikhov, Yu.F.; Mel'nikov, G.A.; Tutov, V.M.; Verveiko, V.N., Acoustic and thermophysical properties of some derivatives of hexane at high parameters of state. (in Russian), Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Energ., 1991, 34, 11, 73-78. [all data]
Melikhov, Yu.F., Calculation of thermophysical properties of liquid hydrocarbons at high pressures by the acoustical data, Teplofiz. Svoistva Chist. Veshchestv Vod. Rastvorov Elektrolitov Makhachkala, 1987, 1987, 84-8. [all data]
Melikhov, Yu.F., Thermophysical properties of benzene at high pressures., Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Energ., 1982, No. 1, 115. [all data]
Melikhov, Yu.F., Acoustic, thermal and caloric properties of liquid n-nonane at high pressures, Nauchn. Tr. - Kursk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., 1981, 214, 72. [all data]
Melikhov, Yu.F., Thermodynamic properties of n-heptane liquid phase at pressures to 6 kbars. Calculation procedure, Vopr. Fiz. Formoobraz. Fazovykh Prevrashch., 1980, 1980, 130. [all data]
Melikhov, Yu.F.; Kir'yakov, B.S.; Kuz'min, V.N., Some thermodynamic properties of liquid n-noname under pressures up to 3kba, Nauchn. Tr. - Kursk. Gos. Pedagog. Inst., 1975, 57, 209. [all data]