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3 matching references were found.

Matynia, A.; Wierzbowska, B., Metastable region in the system ascorbic acid-ethanol-water, Przem. Chem., 1989, 68, 81. [all data]

Matynia, A.; Wierzbowska, B.; Kot, J., Solubility in the ascorbic acid-methanol-water system, Chem. Stosow., 1987, 31, 249-55. [all data]

Gawdzik, B.; Matynia, T., Characterization of methacrylic ester of p,p'-dihydroxydiphenylpropane diglicydyl ether - divinylbenzene porous copolymers for GC, Chromatographia, 1994, 38, 9/10, 643-648, . [all data]