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4 matching references were found.

Manker, E.A., Diss. Abstr., 1965, 25, 7134. [all data]

Manker, E.A., Thermodynamic properties of methane - propane mixture at low temperatures and high pressures, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1964. [all data]

Manker, E.A.; Mage, D.T.; Mather, A.E.; Powers, J.E.; Katz, D.L., Enthalpy determinations on the methane + propane system, Proc., Annu. Conv., Nat. Gas Process. Assoc., Tech. Pap., 1964, 43, 3-9. [all data]

Powers, J.E.; Manker, E.A.; Mather, A.E.; Yesavage, V.F., Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Methane-propane System in 65th AiChE Nat. Mtg. Preprint #9a, 1969. [all data]