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Author:Magomadov, A.S.

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2 matching references were found.

Nazar'ko, V.M.; Rudakov, G.Ya.; Magomadov, A.S.; Demichev, A.I., Thermophysical properties of tri-n-butyl phosphate mercaptan absorbent, Gazov. Prom-st., Ser.: Podgot. Pererab. Gaza Gazov. Kondens., 1981, No. 3, 13-16. [all data]

azar'ko, V.M.; Rudakov, G.Ya.; Magomadov, A.S.; Demichev, A.I., Thermophysical properties of tri-n-butyl phosphate mercaptan absorbent, Gazov. Prom-st., 1981, Ser.: Podgot. Pererab. Gaza Gazov. Kondens. [all data]