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Author: | Lyubarskii |
20 matching references were found.
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Rogovtseva, T.A., Thermochemistry of hexachlorobutadiene and hexachloropropylene, Khim. Vysokomol. Soedin, Neftekhim., 1973, 14-15. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Rogovtsora, T.A.; Epshtein, G.Z.; Simonsov, V.D., Semiautomatic equipment for the measurement of enthalpies of combustion, Neftepererab. Neftekhim. (Moscow), 1975, 51-52. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Rogovtsova, T.A.; Epstein, G.Z.; Simonsov, V.D., Standard enthalpies of combustion and formation of some chlorine-containing organic compounds, Neftepererab. Neftekhim. (Moscow), 1975, 52. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Smolyanets, R.I., Enthalpies of combustion and formation of five-membered cyclic perchlorohydrocarbons, Vses. Konf. Kalorim. Rasshir. Tezisy Dokl. 7th, 1977, 1, 119-121. [all data]
Gromova, T.I.; Lyubarskii, M.V.; Sukhanova, T.G., Heats of combustion and formation of derivatives of symmetrical triazine, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1984, 58, 949-950. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Smolyanets, R.I.; Gromova, T.I.; Sukhanova, T.G., Heats of combustion and of formation of cyanuric chloride, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1984, 58, 458-459. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Gromova, T.I.; Sukhanova, T.G.; Motorova, T.N., Heats of combustion and of formation of ametrin and prometrin, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1985, 59, 498-500. [all data]
Gromova, T.I.; Smolyanets, R.I.; Rudakova, S.V.; Lyubarskii, M.V., Sulphur as a standard in combustion calorimetry. Heat of combustion of p-chlorobenzoic acid, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1989, 63, 984-986. [all data]
Gromova, T.I.; Stolyanets, R.I.; Rudakova, S.V.; Lyubarskii, M.V., Sulfur as a standard compound for combustion calorimetry. Heat of combustion of para-chlorobenzoic acid, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1989, 63, 1784. [all data]
Shakirov, R.F.; Lyubarskii, M.V., Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of methyl trichlorothioacrylate, SPSTL Deposited Publication 3 KhP-D80, 1980, 19p. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Smolyanets, R.I., Vses. Konf. Kalorim. [Rasshir. Tezisy Dokl.] 7th, 1977, 1, 119. [all data]
Geller, Z.I.; Simonov, V.D.; Lyubarskii, M.V.; Brakhfogel, E.A.; Meizler, L.M.; Paramonov, I.A., Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Nept. Gaz, 1971, 14, 11, 71. [all data]
Rudakova, S.V.; Gromova, T.I.; Lyubarskii, M.V.; Smolyanets, R.I., , 1991. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Gromova, T.I.; Smolyanets, R.I.; Rudakova, S.V., Heats of combustion and formation of o-chlorobenzenesulfonamide, 6-chloro-2-aminobenzothiazole, and 2,6-dichlorobenzothiazole, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1989, 63, 2201. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Gromova, T.I., Combustion calorimetry of organic compounds containing chlorine, sulfur, and nitrogen, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1989, 63, 1789. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Gromova, T.I.; Smelyanets, R.I.; Rudakova, S.V., , 1987. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Gromova, T.I.; Sukhanova, T.G.; Motorova, T.N., Heats of combustion and of formation of ametrin and prometrin, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1985, 59, 857. [all data]
Lyubarskii, M.V.; Smolyanets, R.I.; Gromova, T.I.; Sukhanova, T.G., Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1984, 58, 458. [all data]
Shakirov, R.F.; Andreeva, V.M.; Maslennikov, E.I.; Lyubarskii, M.V., The low-temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of trichlorothioacrylate esters., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1981, 55, 2138-40. [all data]
Shakirov, R.F.; Lyubarskii, M.V., Low-temperature heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of methyl trichlorothioacrylate, SPSTL Deposited Doc., 1980, pp 19, 1980. [all data]