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Author:Lopez Alanon

2 matching references were found.

Lopez Alanon, M.R.; Caceres Alonso, M.; Rubio, R.G.; Nunez Delgado, J., Influence of the molecular shape on the volumetric properties of mixtures. The excess volumes of hexafluorobenzene or fluorobenzene + an octane isomer, J. Solution Chem., 1990, 19, 409-23. [all data]

Lopez Alanon, M.R.; Caceres Alonso, M.; Rubio, R.G.; Nunez Delgado, J., Excess volumes of binary mixtures of an octane isomer and a polar component, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, 1989, 85, 3425-35. [all data]