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Author:Liukkonen, S.

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4 matching references were found.

Aalto, M.; Keskinen, K.I.; Aittamaa, J.; Liukkonen, S., An improved correlation for compressed liquid densities of hydrocarbons. Part 1. Pure compounds, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1996, 114, 1-19. [all data]

Aalto, M.; Keskinen, K.I.; Aittamaa, J.; Liukkonen, S., An improved correlation for compressed liquid densities of hydrocarbons. Part 2. Mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1996, 114, 21-35. [all data]

Aalto, M.; Liukkonen, S., Bubble Point Pressures and Densities for the Binary Systems of Propane with Triacontane, Hexatriacontane, Tetracontane, Pentacontane, and Squalane at 353-373 K and 4.00-7.00 MPa, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1996, 41, 79-83. [all data]

Aalto, M.M.; Liukkonen, S.S., Liquid Densities of Propane + Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Systems at (345-378) K and (4.00-7.00) MPa, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1998, 43, 29-31. [all data]