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Author: | Levin, V. |
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4 matching references were found.
Levin, V.G.; Neudatchin, V.G.; Pavlitchenkov, A.V.; Smirnov, Y.F., A study of the electron correlations in the H2 molecule using the double photoionisation process (γ, 2e), J. Phys. B:, 1984, 17, 1525-1536. [all data]
Papulova, T.Y.; Levin, V.L.; Seregin, E.A., Calculational Methods in Physical Chemistry, Univ. Publ.: Kalinin, USSR, 1987. [all data]
Seregin, E.A.; Levin, V.P., Calculation of heats of formation of hydroxy derivatives of benzene in a gas phase, Raschetnye Metody Fiz. Khim., 1988, 1988, 82. [all data]
Papulov, Yu.G.; Chulkova, L.V.; Levin, V.P.; Smolyakov, V.M., Dependence of the Properties of Hydrocarbon Derivatives on the Degree of Substitution. 1. Heat of Formation, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1974, 1974, 48 31-35. [all data]