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44 matching references were found.
Fernandez, D.P.; Goodwin, A.R.H.; Lemmon, E.W.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.; Williams, R.C., A Formulation for the Static Permittivity of Water and Steam at Temperatures from 238 K to 873 K at Pressures up to 1200 MPa, Including Derivatives and Debye-Huckel Coefficients, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1997, 26, 4, 1125-1165, . [all data]
Kestin, J.; Sengers, J.V.; Kamgar-Parsi, B.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Thermophysical Properties of Fluid H2O, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1984, 13, 1, 175-183, . [all data]
Jacobsen, R.T.; Jahangiri, M.; Stewart, R.B.; McCarty, R.D.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; White, H.J., Jr.; Sengers, J.V.; Olchowy, G.A.; Wakeham, W.A.; Angus, S.; de Reuck, K.M.; Craven, R., Ethylene (Ethene), International Thermodynamic Tables of the Fluid State Vol 10, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 1988, 328. [all data]
Harveym A.H.; Gallagher, J.S.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Revised Formulatioin for the Refractive Index of Water and Steam as a Function of Wavelength, Temperature and Density, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, 27, 761-74. [all data]
Pai, Y.-H.; Chen, L.-J.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Chen, Y.P., Viscosity and Density of Dilute Aqueous Solutions of 1-Pentanol and 2-Methyl-2-Butanol, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1998, 43, 665-7. [all data]
Peters, C.J.; De Swaan Arons, J.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Gallagher, J.S., Global phase behavior of mixtures of short and long n-alkanes, AIChE J., 1988, 34, 834. [all data]
Gallagher, J.S.; Crovetto, R.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., The thermodynamic behavior of the carbon dioxide-water system from 400 to 1 000 K, up to 100 MPa and 30% mol fraction of CO2, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1993, 22, 431-513. [all data]
Sato, H.; Watanabe, K.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Gallagher, J.S.; Hill, P.G.; Straub, J.; Wagner, W., Sixteen Thousand Evaluated Experimental Thermodynamic Property Data for Water and Steam, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1991, 20, 1023. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Solubility near the solvent's critical point, J. Supercrit. Fluids, 1991, 4, 215-22. [all data]
Harveym A.H.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Tanger, J.C., Unified description of infinte-dilution thermodynamic properties for aqueous solutes., J. Phys. Chem., 1991, 95, 932. [all data]
Weber, L.A.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Fluid Phase Equilib., 1990, 55, 241. [all data]
Michels, A.; de Graaff, W.; Wassenaar, T.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Louwerse, P., Compressibility Isotherms of Hydrogen and Deuterium at Temperatures Between -175 deg C and +150 deg C( at Densities up to 960 Amagat), Physica (Amsterdam), 1959, 25, 25-42. [all data]
Michels, A.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; de Graaff, W., Compressibility isotherms of argon at temperatures between -25 and -155 c, and at densities up to 640 amagat (pressures up to 1050 atmospheres), Physica (Amsterdam), 1958, 24, 659-71. [all data]
Michels, A.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Wolkers, G.J., Thermodynamic properties of argon at temperatures between 0!31c and -140!31 c and at densities up to 640 amagat (pressures up to 1050 atm), Physica (Amsterdam), 1958, 24, 769-94. [all data]
Harveym A.H.; Crovetto, R.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Limiting vs. apparent critical behavior of henry's constants and K factors., AIChE J., 1990, 36, 1901. [all data]
Harveym A.H.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Correlation of aqueous Henry's constants from to the critical point, AIChE J., 1990, 36, 539-46. [all data]
Peters, C.J.; Van der Kooi, H.J.; De Roo, J.L.; De Swaan Arons, J.; Gallagher, J.S.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., The search for tricriticality in binary mixtures of near-critical propane and normal paraffins, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1989, 51, 339. [all data]
Japas, M.L.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Gas solubility and Henry's law near the solvent's critical point, AIChE J., 1989, 35, 705. [all data]
Jacobsen, R.T.; Jahangiri, M.; Stewart, R.B.; McCarty, R.D.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; White, H.J.; Sengers, J.V.; Olchowy, G.A., International Thermodynamic tables of the Fluid State Vol. 10: Ethylene(Ethene), Blackwell, Osford, 1988. [all data]
Linsky, D.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Gallagher, J.S., A semi-automated Burnett facility; PVT of a geothermal working fluid mixture, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1987, 36, 149. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Dilute mixtures and solutions near critical points, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1986, 30, 31. [all data]
Morrison, G.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Chang, R.F.; Christensen, J.J., Thermodynamic anomalies in supercritical fluid mixtures, Process Technol. Proc., 1985, 1985, 25-43. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Straub, J.; Watanabe, K.; Hill, P.G., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1985, 14, 193. [all data]
Masui, R.; Haynes, W.M.; Chang, R.F.; Davis, H.A.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 1984, 55, 1132. [all data]
Kestin, J.; Sengers, J.V.; Kamgar-Parsi, B.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Thermophysical properties of fluid D2O, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1984, 13, 601. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Kamgar-Parsi, B.; Balfour, F.W.; Sengers, J.V., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1983, 12, 1. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Kamgar-Parsi, B.; Sengers, J.V., Thermodnamic Properties of Isobutane in the Critical Region, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1983, 28, 354-362. [all data]
Kamgar-Parsi, B.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Sengers, J.V., Themodynamic properties of d(2)o in the critical region., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1983, 12, 513-29. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Hastings, J.R., Virial coefficients of ethylene, Proc. Symp. Thermophys. Prop., 8th, 1982,, 1982, 66-70. [all data]
Sengers, J.V.; Basu, R.S.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., , NASA Contract Report 3424, Natl. Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1981. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Hastings, J.R., Equation of state of ethylene vapor between 223 and 273 K by the Burnett method, Int. J. Thermophys., 1981, 2, 269-88. [all data]
Hastings, J.R.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Balfour, F.W., The critical=region equation of state of ethene and the effect of small impurities, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1980, 12, 1009-45. [all data]
Hastings, J.R.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Vapor Pressure, Critical Pressure, and Critical Isochore of Ethylene in Proc. Symp. Thermophys. Prop., 7th, Cezairliyan, A., Ed., ASME: New York, p 794, 1977. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Experimental Thermodynamics Vol. II, Exp. Thermodyn. of Non-Reacting Fluids, Le Neindre and Vodar, Editors, 1975. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Sengers, J.V., Phys. Rev. A, 1975, 12, 2622. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Chen, W.T., Vapor Pressure, Critical Isochore, and Some Metastable States of CO2 dioxide, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 56, 595-608. [all data]
Greer, S.C.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Furukawa, G.T., Heat capacity near the consolute point in solid methane + argon, J. Chem. Phys., 1972, 57, 5052. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Straub, J.; Vincentini-Missoni, M., Coexistence curves of co(2), n(2)o, and cclf(3) in the critical region, J. Chem. Phys., 1971, 54, 5034-50. [all data]
Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Scaling predictions for thermodynamic anomalies near the gas-liquid critical point, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 1970, 9, 470. [all data]
Haar, L.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., J. Chem. Phys., 1970, 52, 5069. [all data]
Vicentini-Missoni, M.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Green, M.S., Scaling Analysis of Thermodynamic Properties in the Critical Region of Fluids, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand., Sect. A, 1969, 73, 563. [all data]
Vicentini-Missoni, M.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H.; Green, M., Thermodynamic anomalies if carbon dioxide, xenon, helium-4 in the critical region, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1969, 22, 389-93. [all data]
Sengers, J.V.; Levelt Sengers, J.M.H., Chem. Eng. News, 1968, 1968, June 10, 104. [all data]
Aben, I.; Ubachs, W.; Levelt, P.; vand der Zwan, G.; Hogervorst, W., Multiple resonance-enhanced four-wave-mixing processes in I2, Phys. Rev. A: Gen. Phys., 1991, 44, 5881-5893. [all data]