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Author: | Legault |
5 matching references were found.
Kondjoyan, N.; Viallon, C.; Berdagué, J.L.; Daridan, D.; Simon, M.-N.; Legault, C., Analyse comparative de la fraction volatile de jambons secs de porcs Gascon et Large-White x Landrace Français, J. Rech. C.N.R.S., 1997, 29, 405-410, retrieved from [all data]
Bailey, K.; By, A.W.; Legault, D.; Verner, D., Identification of the N-methylated analogs of the hallucinogenic amphetamines and some isomers, J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem, 1975, 58, 1, 62-69. [all data]
Sylvestre, M.; Pichette, A.; Longtin, A.; Nagau, F.; Legault, J., Essential oil analysis and anticancer activity of leaf essential oil of Croton flavens L. from Guadeloupe, J. Ethnopharmacol., 2006, 103, 1, 99-102, . [all data]
Sylvestre, M.; Longtin, A.P.A.; Legault, J., Volatile leaf condtituents and anticancer activity of Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. essential oil, Natural Product Communications, 2007, 2, 12, 1273-1276. [all data]
Sylvestre, M.; Pichette, A.; Longtin, A.; Martin, M.-A.C.; Bercion, S.R.; Legault, J., Chemical composition of leaf essential oil of Hedyosmum arborescens and evaluation of its anticancer activity, Natural Product Communications, 2007, 2, 12, 1269-1272. [all data]