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Author: | Lebed |
9 matching references were found.
Lebed, P., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1948, 22, 387. [all data]
Glazkova, E.N.; Izmailova, G.A.; Lebed, V.I.; Rubtsov, V.I.; Eddin, F.S., Volumetric properties of solutions of carboxylic acids in aqueous organic solvents, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1995, 65, 1296-300. [all data]
Kern, A.P.; Larina, T.V.; Lebed, V.I., Enthalpy of solvation of acetate esters in mixtures of water-dioxane, water-2-propanol at 298 K, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1994, 68, 1709-11. [all data]
Larina, T.V.; Lebed, V.I.; Kern, A.P., The bulk properties of the esters solutions in water-2-propanol, water- dioxane systems, Zh. Khim. Termodin. Termokhim., 1993, 2, 152-7. [all data]
Lebed, V.I.; Eddin, F.S., Physicochemical properties of the solutions of acetic, propionic, butyric, and benzoic acids in water-organic solvents. Part 1. Systems (acetic acid + water + organic solvent), Zh. Khim. Nevodnykh Rastvorov, 1992, 1, 141-52. [all data]
Lebed, V.I.; Eddin, F.S., Physicochemical properties of the solutions of acetic, propionic, butyric, and benzoic acids in water-organic solvents. Part 2. Systems (propionic, butyric, benzoic acids + water + acetone), Zh. Khim. Nevodnykh Rastvorov, 1992, 1, 153-65. [all data]
Bondarev, N.V.; Kern, A.P.; Larina, T.V.; Lebed, V.I.; Aleksandrov, V.V., Thermochemical study of benzoic acid in dioxane and its water mixtures at 298.15K, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1988, 62, 3339. [all data]
Lebed, V.I.; Bondarev, N.V.; Paulenova, A., Dissociation constants and the thermodynamics of dissociation and solvation of acetic acid in a propan-2-ol-water mixture, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1987, 61, 1487. [all data]
Lebed, V.I.; Kravchina, A.V.; Bondarev, N.V., Dissociation thermodynamics of o-chlorobenzoic acid in water-methano mixtures, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1987, 61, 1190. [all data]