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Author:Lazarev, A.

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3 matching references were found.

Ignat'ev, I.S.; Lazarev, A.N.; Al'pert, M.L., Vibrational spectra and structure of methoxyacetylene, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1989, 63, 642. [all data]

Tenisheva, T.F.; Lazarev, A.N., Vibrational spectrum and force field of dimethyldimethoxysilane, Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk., 1986, 43, 91. [all data]

Shehegolev, B.F.; Lazarev, A.N., Force constant and electronic formation bonding of carbon with oxygen, Khim. Fiz., 1984, 3, 199. [all data]