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3 matching references were found.

Hayduk, W.; Laudie, H., Vinyl chloride gas compressibility and solubility in water and aqueous potassium laurate solutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1974, 19, 253-7. [all data]

Hayduk, W.; Laudie, H.; Smith, O.H., Viscosity, Freezing Point, Vapor-Liquid Equilibria, and Other Properties of Aqueous-Tetrahydrofuran Solutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1973, 18, 373-6. [all data]

Hayduk, W.; Laudie, H., Solubilities of gases in water and other associated solvents, AIChE J., 1973, 19, 1233-38. [all data]