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4 matching references were found.

Richards, J.A.; Larkins, F.P., Molecular photoionisation calculations with numerical continuum wavefunctions: application to the hydrogen molecule, J. Phys. B:, 1984, 17, 1015-1026. [all data]

Richards, J.A.; Larkins, F.P., Photoionisation cross section calculations of H2 and H2+ using numerical continuum wavefunctions, J. Phys. B:, 1986, 19, 1945-1957. [all data]

Phillips, R.A.; Larkins, F.P., An ab initio treatment of the x-ray emission spectra of the HCl molecule, J. Phys. B:, 1988, 21, 277-286. [all data]

Rosenstock, H.M.; Larkins, J.T.; Walker, J.A., Interpretation of photoionization thresholds: Quasiequilibrium theory and the fragmentation of benzene, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 1973, 11, 309. [all data]