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Author: | Lapardin |
6 matching references were found.
Lapardin, N.I., Ph.D. Thesis: Investigation of the Viscosity of Freons R152A and R218, OTIKhP, Odessa, 1983. [all data]
Geller, V.Z.; Karabanov, E.M.; Gunchuk, B.V.; Zakharzhevskiy, V.Ya.; Lapardin, N.I., Study of Viscosity Coefficient of Some Liquefied Gases Near the Saturation Curve, Gazov. Promst., 1976, 3, 32-33. [all data]
Baginskii, V.A.; Zakharov, N.D.; Lapardin, N.I., Study and calculation of the liquid-vapor phase equilibrium of mixtures of refrigerants, Issled. Teplofiz. Svoistv Rab. Veshchestv i Protsessov Teploobmena Kholod. Tekhn., 1989, 1989, 9-15. [all data]
Lapardin, N.I., Investigation of the Viscosity of Freons R 152A and R 218, Ph.D. Thesis, OTIKhP, 1983. [all data]
Gunchuk, B.V.; Karbanov, E.M.; Lapardin, N.I.; Zakharzhevskiy, V.Y., Investigation of the Viscosity of Some Freons Along the Saturated Line in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv. Mater., No. 11, Rabinovich, V. A., Ed., Standards Publ.: Moscow, 39-46, 1977. [all data]
Geller, V.Z.; Karabanov, E.M.; Gunchuk, B.V.; Zakharzhevskiy, V.Y.; Lapardin, N.I., The Investigation of the Viscosity Coefficient of Some of the Liquid Gases About the Saturated Line, Gasovaya Promyishlennost, 1976, 1976, No. 3, 32-2. [all data]