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Author:Laktionov, V.

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2 matching references were found.

Lebedev, B.V.; Bykova, T.A.; Kiparisova, E.G.; Pankratov, V.A.; Korshak, V.V.; Laktionov, V.M., Thermodynamics and interconversion of diphenylcarbodiimide, hexaphenylisomelamine, and hexaphenylmelamine at 0-330 K, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 1984, 54, 372-378. [all data]

Lebedev, B.V.; Bykova, T.A.; Kiparisova, Y.G.; Pankratov, V.A.; Korshak, V.V.; Laktionov, V.M., Thermodynamics and interconversion of diphenylcarbodiimide, hexaphenylisomelamine, and hexaphenylmelamine at 0-330 K, Zhur. Obshch. Khim., 1984, 54(2), 417-424. [all data]