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21 matching references were found.

Rodriguez, S.; Artigas, H.; Lafuente, C.; Mainar, A.M.; Royo, F.M., Isobaric vapour--liquid equilibrium of binary mixtures of some cyclic ethers with chlorocyclohexane at 40.0 and 101.3 kPa, Thermochimica Acta, 2000, 362, 1-2, 153-160, . [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Artigas, H.; Pardo, J.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Viscosities of 1-chlorobutane and 1,4-dichlorobutane with isomeric butanols at 25 and, J. Solution Chem., 1996, 25, 303-313. [all data]

Dominguez, M.; Cea, P.; Lafuente, C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess molar volumes of the ternary mixture {x1CH3(CH2)3OH + x2CH3(CH2)4CH3 + (1-x1-x2)CH3(CH2)3NH2} at temperatures of 298.15 K and 313.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1996, 28, 779-786. [all data]

Artigas, H.; Mainar, A.M.; Dominguez, M.; Cea, P.; Lafuente, C., Excess isentropic compressibilities of halohydrocarbon + butanol mixture at 298.15 K, Thermochim. Acta, 1996, 287, 25-34. [all data]

Rodriguez, V.; Lafuente, C.; Santafe, J.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Isobaric VLE data for the binary systems dibromomethane with isomeric butanols at 40.0 and 101.3 kPa, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1995, 108, 185-98. [all data]

Rodriguez, V.; Lafuente, C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S.; Carrion, A., Experimental and predicted isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium for the binary systems 1,2-dibromoethane with isomeric butanols, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 1995, 28, 721-6. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Dominguez, M.; Lopez, M.C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Isobaric VLE data for the binary systems 1,3-dichloropropane with isomeric butanols, Phys. Chem. Liq., 1995, 29, 135-44. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Pardo, J.; Santafe, J.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess isentropic compressibilities of (an isomer of chlorobutane + an isomer of butanol) at the temperature 298.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1995, 27, 541-9. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Pardo, J.; Lopez, M.C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Isobaric VLE data for the binary systems 1,4-dichlorobutane with isomeric butanols at 40.0 and 101.3kPa, Thermochim. Acta, 1995, 261, 83-93. [all data]

Cea, P.; Lafuente, C.; Sanz, M.L.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Measurements on 2-Chlorobutane + Isomeric Butanols at 60.0 and 101.3 kPa, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1995, 40, 692-5. [all data]

Cea, P.; Lafuente, C.; Morand, J.P.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess volumes and excess viscosities of binary mixtures of 2-chlorobutane with isomeric butanols at 298.15 K, Phys. Chem. Liq., 1995, 29, 69-77. [all data]

Rodriguez, V.; Artigas, H.; Lafuente, C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess volumes of (1,2-dichloroethane or 1,2-dibromoethane + butan-1-ol or butan-2-ol or 2-methylpropan-1-ol or 2-methylpropan-2-ol) at the temperatures 298.15 K and 313.15 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1994, 26, 1173-8. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Lopez, M.C.; Santafe, J.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess volumes and excess viscosities of benzene with picolines, Thermochim. Acta, 1994, 237, 35-41. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Rodriguez, V.; Lopez, M.C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess and partial excess molar volumes of 1,4-dichlorobutane with butanols at 25 and, J. Solution Chem., 1994, 23, 561-8. [all data]

Cea, P.; Lafuente, C.; Artigas, H.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess volumes and excess viscosities of binary mixtures of 2-chloro-2- methylpropane with isomeric butanols at 298.15 K, Can. J. Chem., 1994, 72, 1921-5. [all data]

Rodriguez, V.; Lafuente, C.; Lopez, M.C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess molar volumes and vapor pressures of (benzene + each of several isomers of butanol), J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1993, 25, 679-85. [all data]

Pardo, J.; Rodriguez, V.; Lafuente, C.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess molar volumes of (an alkanediol + an alkanol) and of ( dichloromethane + an alkanol or an alkanediol) at the temperature 30315 K, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1993, 25, 373-7. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Pardo, J.; Rodriguez, V.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess volumes of binary mixtures of 1,3-dichloropropane with isomeric butanols at 298.15 and 313.15 K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1993, 38, 554-5. [all data]

Blasco, D.; Lafuente, C.; Santafe, J.; Royo, F.M.; Urieta, J.S., Excess volumes and excess viscosities of binary mixtures of cyclohexane + picoline, Thermochim. Acta, 1993, 230, 55-63. [all data]

Lafuente, C.; Pardo, J.; Santate, J.; Royo, F.; Urieta, J., Use of a Fischer-Labodest apparatus to study the liquid-vapor equilibrium of the benzene-cyclohexane system at different pressures, Rev. Acad. Cienc. Exactas, Fis., Quim. Nat. Zaragoza, 1992, 47, 183-90. [all data]

Artigas, Héctor; Lafuente, Carlos; Cea, Pilar; Royo, Félix M.; Urieta, José S., Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for the Binary Systems of 1-Butanol with Some Halohydrocarbons at 40.0 and 101.3 kPa, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1997, 42, 1, 132-136, . [all data]