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Author: | Lacam, A. |
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3 matching references were found.
Lacam, A., Etude experimentalle de la propagation des ultrasons dans les fluides on function de la pression (1200 atmospheres) et de la temperature (200 C), J. Rech. C. N. R. S., 1956, 34, 25-56. [all data]
Lacam, A., Velocity of Ultrasonics in Nitrogen to Pressures of 1150 Atmospheres, J. Phys. Radium, 1953, 14, 351. [all data]
Lacam, A.; Noury, J., Velocity of ultrasonic waves and ratio gamma of specific heats in argon and nitrogen under pressure, C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., 1953, 236, 2039-2041. [all data]