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Author: | Labinov, S. |
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3 matching references were found.
Labinov, S.D.; Sand, J.R., An analytical method of predicting Lee-Kesler-Plocker equation-of-state binary interaction coefficients, Int. J. Thermophys., 1995, 16, 1393-411. [all data]
Vaschenko, D.M.; Voinov, Y.; Voityuk, B.V.; Dregulyas, E.K.; Kolomiets, A.Y.; Labinov, S.D.; Morozov, A.A.; Neduzhil. I.A.; Provotar, V.P.; Soldatenko, Yu.A.; Storozhenko, E.I.; Khmara, Yu.I., Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Ethylene and Propylene, Standards Publishing House, Moscow, 1971. [all data]
Labinov, S.D.; Bolotin, N.K., The benedict-webb-rubin equation of state for gaseous butylene at pressures up to 40 bars, Teplofiz. Kharakt. Veshchestv, 1968, No. 1, 100-102. [all data]