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Author:Laakso, R.

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2 matching references were found.

Tommila, E.; Lindell, E.; Virtalaine, M.-L.; Laakso, R., Densities, viscosities, surface tensions, dielectric constants, vapor pressures, activities, and heats of mixing of sulpholane + water, sulpholane + methanol, and sulpholane + ethanol mixtures., Suom. Kemistil. B, 1969, 42, 95-104. [all data]

Murto, J.; Kivinen, A.; Kivimaa, S.; Laakso, R., Fluoroalcohols: IV densities, partial molar volumes, refractive indices, viscosities, dielectric constants, and surface tensions of 1,1,1,3,3,3- hexafluoro-2-propanol + water mixtures, Suom. Kemistil. B, 1967, 40, 250-7. [all data]