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Author:Kuzmenko, N.

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6 matching references were found.

Kuznetsova, L.A.; Kuzmenko, N.E.; Kuzyakov, Y.Y., Emission spectrum of the SiBr+ molecule, Opt. Spectrosc., 1968, 24, 434, In original 812. [all data]

Kuzmenko, N.E.; Smirnov, A.D.; Kuzyakov, Y.Y., On the dependence of the elctron transition moment Re on the internuclear distance for the α-bands of SiF, Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull. Engl. Transl., 1970, 25, 59, In original 357. [all data]

Smirnov, A.D.; Kuzmenko, N.E.; Kuzyakov, Yu.Ya., Franck-Condon factors, r-centroids, and true potential curves of the combining states of the B1Σu+-X1Σg+ transition of the 63Cu2 molecule, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1979, 47, 149-150, In original 261. [all data]

Smirnov, A.D.; Kuzmenko, N.E.; Kuzyakov, Yu.Ya., Franck-Condon factors and r-centrodes for the A1Πu-X1Σg+ transition of the 63Cu2 molecule, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1980, 48, 111, In original 194. [all data]

Kuzmenko, N.E.; Pupyshev, V.I.; Stolyarov, A.V., Estimating the lifetime of an excited electronic state: application to the NaH molecule, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1987, 63, 448-451. [all data]

Kharya, Ya.A.; Kuzmenko, N.E.; Stolyarov, A.V.; Ferber, R.S., Intensities of laser-induced fluorescence and AOu+-X1g+ electronic-transition strength of the tellurium dimer system 130Te2, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1989, 66, 43-45. [all data]