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Author:Kurtz, S.

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9 matching references were found.

Kurtz, S.S.; Camin, D.L.; Thompson, A.R., Refractive index + density slope associated with volume change on mixing, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1965, 10, 335-339. [all data]

Kurtz, S.S.; Wikingsson, A.E.; Camin, D.L.; Thompson, A.R., Refractive Index and Density of Acetone-Water Solutions, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1965, 10, 330. [all data]

Quayle, O.R.; Kurtz, S.S.; Zolki, T.P., Surface tension & parachor of hydrocarbons in Physical Chemistry of the Hydrocarbons, Vol. II, Farkas, A., Ed., Academic Press: New York, p 81, 1953. [all data]

Kurtz, S.S.; Amon, S.; Sankin, A., Effect of temperature on density and refractive index, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1950, 42, 174. [all data]

Kurtz, S.S., Personal Commun., 1944, Oct. 20, 1944. [all data]

Lipkin, M.R.; Davison, J.A.; Harvey, W.T.; Kurtz, S.S., Pycnometer for volatile liquids, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 1944, 16, 55-58. [all data]

Lipkin, M.R.; Davison, J.A.; Kurtz, S.S., Viscosity of Propane, Butane, and Isobutane, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1942, 34, 976. [all data]

Lipkin, M.R.; Kurtz, S.S., Temperature coefficient of density and refractive index for hydrocarbons in the liquid state, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 1941, 13, 291-295. [all data]

Kurtz, S.S., Free Volume of Normal Parffin Hydrocarbons in Relation to Surface Tension, Viscosity, and Related Properties in ACS Div. Petrol. Chem. Inc. Preprints 14, 1969. [all data]