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Author:Kurkov, Sergey V.

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4 matching references were found.

Perlovich, German L.; Kurkov, Sergey V.; Kinchin, Andrey N.; Bauer-Brandl, Annette, Thermodynamics of solutions IV: Solvation of ketoprofen in comparison with other NSAIDs, J. Pharm. Sci., 2003, 92, 12, 2502-2511, . [all data]

Perlovich, German L.; Kurkov, Sergey V.; Kinchin, Andrey N.; Bauer-Brandl, Annette, Thermodynamics of solutions III: comparison of the solvation of (+)-naproxen with other NSAIDs, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2004, 57, 2, 411-420, . [all data]

Kurkov, Sergey V.; Perlovich, German L., Thermodynamic studies of Fenbufen, Diflunisal, and Flurbiprofen: Sublimation, solution and solvation of biphenyl substituted drugs, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2008, 357, 1-2, 100-107, . [all data]

Perlovich, German L.; Kurkov, Sergey V.; Bauer-Brandl, Annette, Thermodynamics of solutions, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2003, 19, 5, 423-432, . [all data]