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2 matching references were found.

Kugimiya, S.; Nishida, R.; Kuwahara, Y.; Sakuma, M., Phospholipid composition and pheromonal activity of nuptial secretion of the male German cockroach, Blattella germanica, Entomol. Exp. Appl., 2002, 104, 2-3, 337-344, . [all data]

Arimura, G.; Ozawa, R.; Kugimiya, S.; Takabayashi, J.; Bohlmann, J., Herbivore-Induced Defense Response in a Model Legume. Two-Spotted Spider Mites Induce Emission of (E)-β-Ocimene and Transcript Accumulation of (E)-β-Ocimene Synthase in Lotus japonicus, Plant Physiol., 2004, 135, 4, 1976-1983, . [all data]