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Author: | Kriza |
2 matching references were found.
Dworkin, A.; Fabre, C.; Schutz, D.; Kriza, G.; Ceolin, R.; Szwarc, H.; Bernier, P.; Jerome, D.; Leach, S.; Rassat, A.; Hare, J.P.; Dennis, J.; Droto, H.W.; Taylor, R.; Walton, D.R.M., Thermodynamic characterization of the crystallinity of a solid of footballene carbon sixty-atom molecules, C.R. Acad. Sci., Ser., 1991, II 313(9), 1017-1021. [all data]
Dworkin, A.; Fabre, C.; Schutz, D.; Kriza, G.; Ceolin, R.; Szwarc, H.; Bernier, P.; Jerome, D.; Leach, S., Thermodynamic characterization of the crystallinity of a solid of footballene carbon sixty-atom molecules, C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, 1991, 313, 1017-4. [all data]