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Author:Kozhin, V.

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3 matching references were found.

Asadov, Yu.G.; Koreshkov, B.D.; Petropavlov, N.N.; Kozhin, V.M.; Mnyukh, Yu.V., Measurement of the density of alpha and beta phases of paradichlorobenzene in a gradient pipe, Kristallografiya, 1964, 9, 921. [all data]

Ashcroft, S.J.; Koreshkov, B.D.; Petropavlov, N.N.; Kozhin, V.M.; Mnyukh, Yu.V., Kristallografiya, 1964, 9, 921. [all data]

Kozhin, V.M., Change in the density, mean intermolecular distances. And packing coefficients of the molecules of certain aromatic compounds within a wide temperature range., J. Struct. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1968, 9, 582. [all data]