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Author: | Konyakhin |
3 matching references were found.
Zakurenov, V.M.; Konyakhin, V.P.; Nozdrev, V.F., The Viscosities of Ethanol-Cyclohexane Mixtures, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1975, 49, 320-321. [all data]
Konyakhin, V.P., Phase equilibrium in the ethanol + cyclohexane system, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1974, 48, 234. [all data]
Zakurenov, V.M.; Konyakhin, V.P., Volume properties of the azeotope system., Sint., Anal. Strukt. Org. Soedin., 1973, 5, 126. [all data]