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Author:Kondow, A.

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2 matching references were found.

Powell, D.L.; Gatial, A.; Klaeboe, P.; Nielsen, C.J.; Kondow, A.J.; Boettner, W.A.; Mulichak, A.M., Vibrational spectra and conformations of cylclobutane, Acta Chem. Scand., 1989, 43, 441. [all data]

Gatial, A.; Klaeboe, P.; Nielsen, C.J.; Powell, D.L.; Sulzle, D.; Kondow, A.J., Vibrational spectra and conformations of chloro- and bromo-cyclobutane, J. Raman Spectrosc., 1989, 20, 239. [all data]