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Author:Konareva, V.G.

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4 matching references were found.

Konareva, V.G.; Finkil'shtein, O.L.; Rudenko, N.S., Viscosity of Ne-H2 and Ne-D2 Solutions, Fiz. Kizk. Temp., 1970, 2, 86-92. [all data]

Rudenko, N.S.; Konareva, V.G., Viscosity of Liquid Hydrogen and Deuterium, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1964, 37, 2761. [all data]

Bogoyavlenskii, I.V.; Karnatsevich, L.V.; Konareva, V.G., Excess volumes of an equimolar helium-3-helium-4 mixture, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (Kiev), 1980, 6, 5-11. [all data]

Bogoyavlenskii, I.V.; Karnatsevich, L.V.; Konareva, V.G., Concentration dependence of the excess molar volumes of helium-3-helium-4 mixtures, Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (Kiev), 1980, 6, 1241-54. [all data]