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13 matching references were found.

Hermans, P.W.; Van Die, A.; Knaap, H.F.P.; Beenakker, J.J.M., Measurements on the influence of binary collisions on the depolarized Rayleigh and rotational Raman lines for H2-noble gas systems at low temperatures, Physica A: (Amsterdam), 1985, 132, 233-252. [all data]

Beenakker, J.J.M.; Knaap, H.F.P., Thermodynamic properties of fluid mixtures, Prog. Low Temp. Phys., 1967, 5, 287-323. [all data]

Brouwer, J.P.; Hermans, L.J.; Knaap, H.F.P.; Beenakker, J.J.M., Phase separation in the liquid mixture of neon and deuterium, Physica (Amsterdam), 1964, 30, 1409. [all data]

Knaap, H.F.P.; Knoester, M.; Knobler, C.M.; Beenakker, J.J.M., The second virial coefficients of the hydrogen isotopes between 20 and 70 k, Physica (Amsterdam), 1962, 28, 21-31. [all data]

Knaap, H.F.P.; VanHeijningen, R.; Korving, J.; Beenakker, J.J.M., The heat of mixing of the liquid systems h(2) + d(2), h(2) + hd and hd + d( 2), Physica (Amsterdam), 1962, 28, 343-52. [all data]

Knaap, H.F.P.; Knoester, M.; Beenakker, J.J.M., The volume change on mixing for several liquid systems and the difference in molar volume between the ortho and para modifications of the hydrogenic molecules, Physica (Amsterdam), 1961, 27, 309-18. [all data]

Knaap, H.F.P.; Knoester, M.; Varekamp, F.H.; Beenakker, J.J.M., The second virial coefficient of binary mixtures of the hydrogen isotopes and helium at 20.4 k, Physica (Amsterdam), 1960, 26, 633-7. [all data]

Knobler, C.M.; Knaap, H.F.P.; Beenakker, J.J.M., Measurement of volume contraction and heat of mixing of oxygen + nitrogen mixtures, Physica (Amsterdam), 1960, 26, 142. [all data]

Beenakker, J.J.M.; Varekamp, F.H.; Knaap, H.F.P., The second virial coefficent of ortho and para hydrogen at liquid hydrogen temperatures, Physica (Amsterdam), 1960, 26, 43. [all data]

Knobler, C.M.; Beenakker, J.J.M.; Knaap, H.F.P., The second virial coefficient of gasesus mixtures at 90 K, Physica (Amsterdam), 1959, 25, 909-16. [all data]

Thijsse, B.J.; Denissen, W.A.P.; Beenakker, J.J.M.; Knaap, H.F.P., The Thermal Conductivity of the Gaseous Mixture CH3CN-Ar in a Magnetic Field, Physica (Amsterdam), 1980, 102, 298-304. [all data]

Hermans, L.J.; Koks, J.M.; Hengeveld, A.F.; Knaap, H.F.P., Thermal Conductivity of Polyatomic Gases in Magnetics Fields, Physica (Amsterdam), 1970, 50, 410-32. [all data]

Bakx, I.N.; Knaap, H.F.P., The heat of mixing of the systems ortho h(2) +para h(2) and ortho d(2) + para d(2) in the liquid state, Physica (Amsterdam), 1968, 39, 1. [all data]